
Call For Chapter Proposals

  1. Were you associated with a high-compliance school that promised a rigorous education and college acceptance but demanded compliance, obedience, and silence?cropped-walking-in-line-229x300-1
  2. Did you find yourself at odds with the methods, policies, curriculum, and/or testing?
  3. Do you feel like your experience and concerns were unwelcome, shamed, discredited, or silenced?
  4. Do you feel a need to describe your lived experiences in writing or in art?
  5. –OR–Have you conducted a study on No Excuses Schools in the last 5 years?

If so, propose a chapter! We are collecting written and visual art counter-narratives that expose the distressing side of high-compliance schooling for our upcoming book, Inexcusable: Contemporary Counter-Narratives Expose the “New Face” of No Excuses Schools published by Myers Education Press. We need authors, artists, and researchers with first-hand experience at high compliance, “No Excuses” schools to tell their stories. Students, teachers, families, academics are all welcome. No writing experience necessary. No minimum length.

Proposal Requirements:

  1. Name of Author(s)download
  2. Contact Information
  3. Proposed Title
  4. Draft (essay, poem, art piece, photograph, etc.) If you need help writing your counter-narrative click here.
  5. Required information about the chapter:
    • City/State relevant to chapter
    • Years relevant to chapter
  6. Short Bio Sketch–paragraph about author(s).

*No identifying information about schools or people will be published. Authors will have the right to revise and approve all work before it is published.

Proposal Due: March 27, 2020. Submit HERE.

Contact the editors with questions at noexcusesnarratives@gmail.com and see the Book DescriptionTimeline, and Submission guidelines for more details!


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